Psap Logging My Blog DIY Tricks to Making Your Southlands Home for Sale More Profitable

DIY Tricks to Making Your Southlands Home for Sale More Profitable

Beautiful Porch with Potted Flowers and Bench

If you’re looking to sell your Southlands home, then there are a few things that you can do on your own to make the process more profitable. In this blog post, we’ll talk about some of these DIY tricks and how they will help make Southlands homes for sale more valuable when it comes time to put it up for grabs.

Improve your Front Porch

You may not realize what a big deal curb appeal is in terms of selling a home – but rest assured, buyers absolutely love front porches! If yours needs updating, all you need is some fresh paint and new trim work around the windows and doors.


One thing that many homeowners don’t think about when preparing their property for sale is landscaping. Make sure that your lawn looks well cared for and that the garden beds look full of color. You can easily add a tree or a flower bed to improve the look of your Southlands house! You can also add a couple hanging baskets or potted plants to add to your home’s aesthetic!

Retouching Exterior House Paint

One of the most common DIY tricks to making your house for sale more profitable is retouching exterior paint. If you’ve got some chipped paint, all you need is a gallon of matching exterior paint and an inexpensive brush to touch up those areas that need it!

Retouching Inside Wall Paint

If you’ve got a few scuffs and marks on the walls, don’t worry. You can easily retouch them by patching up any holes or removing your mark with sandpaper before repainting over it! Don’t forget to look over the trim paint while you’re painting the interior.

Adding New Hardware

Doors always make an impression when buyers enter a house for sale – so make sure yours looks sleek and modern by adding new door hardware.

Change the Flooring

It’s not common for homeowners to change their flooring before selling, but it can make a big difference in terms of buyers’ first impressions. If you’ve got carpet or hardwood floors that look old and dated, consider having them replaced with something more modern like engineered wood planks or even luxury vinyl tile.

And don’t forget about the garage! If you’ve got a spare room in there, think of ways to turn it into an extra storage space and/or office so buyers will be able to envision themselves living in your house for sale . Think: shelving units, desks, etc.

At Team Front Range, we hope you’ve found this article insightful! While these tips and tricks seem like a no-brainer, they’re often over looked. These improvements are easy to implement and will help your house look more put together.

Team Front Range

3151 E Vaughn Way, Suite 300

Aurora, CO 80014


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4. Do you really arrive right here typically?

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6. So which one among these guys/girls in here is your boyfriend/girlfriend?

7. Do you really rely on love in the beginning view or can I stroll by once more?

I love each one of these outlines plenty for his or her brazen corniness and confirmed ineffectiveness. Though i guess if someone encountered the gall to approach myself with your traces, i’d probably have a good laugh hysterically and high five them. And so I imagine maybe it would operate.

What exactly is your preferred pick-up line? Have any actually worked?

Benefits of Online Therapy & The Cost

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One of the best things about modern technology is the ability to stay connected anywhere and anytime. This fast-paced world we live in has placed people geographically far from friends and family, making it difficult to see those who matter most. One solution many people turn to is online therapy or counseling. Is this a viable option? Are there really benefits to therapy online, and what are the costs?

Benefits of Online Therapy

It is undeniable that there are many benefits to online therapy, including:


Unlike traditional therapy sessions, therapy over the internet allows for flexibility in scheduling. For those with busy work schedules or other commitments, staying home one night a week may not be an option. With online therapy, you can chat as often as once a day, every other day, once a week, or more. Online therapy also allows for flexibility if you are traveling for business or pleasure. No longer do you need to stop your therapy sessions while on vacation; the therapist will still be there when you return home.


Online therapy is convenient in that it is available 24/7 through online messaging. No longer do you have to wake up early or stay home from work in order to make that therapy appointment. Therapy can be done from your kitchen table, your bedroom, or even a coffee shop. It is available no matter where you are and at whatever time works with your schedule.


Just as traditional counseling has a set time for appointments, online therapy also allows for a more open dialogue between the client and therapist. People are often more honest when they are not directly facing their counselor or talking out loud to themselves. Online messages allow people to share their thoughts at the moment, while still having time to think about what they really want to say before sending it off.

Minimal to No Distractions

Traditional therapy sessions are often held in crowded or public places, such as an office or community mental health center. While this gives people the opportunity to interact with others who are also seeking therapy, distractions are common. People tend to chat with other clients while their therapist is talking, creating a lack of focus on the therapy. This is not as much of an issue with online therapy, where the conversation is limited to just the client and therapist.

More Affordable

Though online therapy is often comparable to traditional therapy sessions, it can sometimes be more affordable based on the therapist’s expertise and the distance you are traveling. The best online therapy platforms will offer you a range of therapists, from experienced clinicians working in mental health centers to those who are self-employed at a reasonable price.

How Much Does Online Therapy Cost?

Just as there are benefits of online therapy, there are also costs. It would be nearly impossible for therapists to see clients over the internet without charging some type, and the costs do vary. According to the New York Times, online therapy can range from $25-60 per hour without insurance, while those with some health insurance may be covered for online therapy sessions. Whether you know that your insurance covers mental health or not, it would be a good idea to check with your provider first before seeking help online.

So are there benefits to online therapy? Definitely! Is it for everyone? No, but neither is traditional counseling. It just depends on your situation and the type of relationship you need in order to be successful at recovering from your emotional pain. If you are interested in online therapy, it would be a good idea to check with your insurance provider for covered services before contacting any particular therapist.
